

SearchMonster uses precision search technology to find the exact talent you need. Plus, you can manage and contact candidates via email — all from the same interface. Find and reach the top-quality talent you need, when you need it.

Take a look at the materials below to get up and running in no time!


Training Course

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Learn how to find and connect with candidates by going through our interactive course!

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Training Videos

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SearchMonster Demo (6 mins)
Get an overview of everything SearchMonster has to offer.
SearchMonster – Boolean Logic (5 mins)
earn to create a Boolean keyword search string in SearchMonster.
SearchMonster – Email campaigns (4 mins)
Send out a campaign to reach out to as many relevant candidates as possible.

As many as you want! All the searches you run will be conveniently saved on your Dashboard page for easy access in the future. SearchMonster also allows you to clone a search (to copy the search criteria), archive the searches you want to hide from view and delete them permanently. 

Yes! To receive an email notification when new candidates who match your search are found, turn on the Enable Notifications switch at the bottom of your search criteria from the search results page. You can set the frequency for these notifications on the Settings page from the left pane. 

Yes, just leave the location field blank to search the entire country. This is a wonderful strategy to really extend you candidate pool for remote positions. 

The search results page is sorted based on relevance. However, you can use the CV Updated filter to narrow your results. Select your own date range or choose from a variety of time frames from updated “within 1 day” to “within 1 week,” to “within 9 months” and more. Just remember that candidates who haven’t updated their CV recently may still be open to your opportunity. The ability to sort by CV updated is something we are looking into for a future release. 

You may have specified too many search options. Try starting with a broad search before narrowing them down. To find as many candidates as possible, use a broad, industry standard job title and avoid internal titles. Also, make sure you search for all CVs first. Even if a candidate hasn’t updated their CV recently, they could be open to the right opportunity.

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