
SearchMonster FAQs

SearchMonster is our most powerful candidate search tool yet. Put Monster’s search technology to the test to find the most qualified candidates for your open positions. And if you have any questions along the way, this is a great page to reference. Learn how to access and manage your searches, narrow your results and connect with candidates through auto messages and more.


You can email candidates right from your search results page or set up an Auto Message Campaign and let SearchMonster send the emails (and follow up messages) for you. Check out this article to learn more and review our 3 tips for a successful campaign message. 

Yes! To receive an email notification when new candidates who match your search are found, turn on the Enable Notifications switch at the bottom of your search criteria from the search results page. You can set the frequency for these notifications on the Settings page from the left pane. 

As many as you want! All the searches you run will be conveniently saved on your Dashboard page for easy access in the future. SearchMonster also allows you to clone a search (to copy the search criteria), archive the searches you want to hide from view and delete them permanently. 

The search results page is sorted based on relevance. However, you can use the CV Updated filter to narrow your results. Select your own date range or choose from a variety of time frames from updated “within 1 day” to “within 1 week,” to “within 9 months” and more. Just remember that candidates who haven’t updated their CV recently may still be open to your opportunity. The ability to sort by CV updated is something we are looking into for a future release. 

Some candidates do not want to have their personal information (such as their name, address, phone number, or email address) displayed on Monster. These candidates usually do not want their current employer knowing that they are searching for a new job. Others are simply concerned about privacy. You can get in contact with a confidential candidate via the Send Email button. 

After you are charged a view, any other actions taken over the next 30 days will not affect inventory. So if you view the original CV, forward it to a hiring manager, and add it to a folder, it would only be counted as 1 view. If you perform an action after the 30 days, you will be charged another view. We recommend adding candidates to a folder to conserve your inventory. Any actions taken on candidates within folders on the My Candidates page will not impact inventory. For more information on how to manage your candidates, check out our article. 

Look for your inventory counter. It’s located on the right side of your screen from the SearchMonster dashboard and search results page. It tells you how many candidate views you have remaining compared to the number your account originally started with. When the green icon changes to yellow or red, that’s when it’s time to replenish your inventory. For more information, check out our article on Inventory Management. 

Your search criteria are on the left side of your search results. You can easily narrow down your candidate list by specifying more criteria and entering the most important keywords for your search. You can also adjust your location by narrowing your radius to really zero in on the right candidates closest to you. Read our article on Boolean Logic to learn how to create a complex search string where you can broaden, narrow down and exclude at the same time.

You may have specified too many search options. Try starting with a broad search before narrowing them down. To find as many candidates as possible, use a broad, industry standard job title and avoid internal titles. Also, make sure you search for all CVs first. Even if a candidate hasn’t updated their CV recently, they could be open to the right opportunity.

Yes, just leave the location field blank to search the entire country. This is a wonderful strategy to really extend you candidate pool for remote positions. 

For additional information, visit our SearchMonster Resources Page.